Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

CCP Could Of Contained Virus

Biologist and journalist Matt Ridley revisits the origin of the Covid-19 virus, claiming it could have been contained in China, specifically in two Wuhan hospitals, where doctors warned a virus had broken out.

Ridley, who takes a deep dive into the Covid chaos in his latest book, Viral: The Search for the Origin of Covid-19, says that when the doctors relayed information on the outbreak to their colleagues, they were severely punished by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). One of the physicians later died in February 2020 of Covid. As it turns out, Ridley says, the CCP immediately censored any information regarding the virus in early January, instead opting to announce everything was under control.

Ridley says the CCP claimed there weren’t any new cases for 10 days and that there was no human-to-human transmission of the virus–both blatant lies. Sadly, the WHO echoed them on the info. Ridley  says if China would have shared more information with the world and taken precaution “the whole thing would of been over in a couple of weeks.” Here’s more on London Real.

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