Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Soros Son Issues Death Threat

Alex Soros, the son of Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, has issued a thinly veiled death threat to former President Donald Trump. The threat came in the form of copying and tweeting a graphic from The Atlantic —  a monthly, New York-based magazine. The graphic shows one photo of a bullet hole through a plate of glass, alongside a second photo that bears six American bills adding up to the number “47.”

Interesting enough, the top four bills equal 17, perhaps referencing “Q.” Does this suggest other murders could follow, involving “Q” organizers or followers? Furthermore, one wonders, does the arrangement of the bills convey days or dates, indicating a suggested time frame for the kill?

Also, how does The Atlantic figure into the equation? It’s time to look through back issues to see if it’s been used before to incite assassinations. If so, the publishers and editors need to be hung, after being drawn and quartered.

One also has to ask: How can a rogue ghoul like Alex Soros operate so openly in the United States? Why isn’t the FBI, CIA or some other so-called legitimate law enforcement agency rounding up this bastard and jailing him immediately? Just how corrupt and dirty are these agencies? Our country is most certainly facing serious threats from within. Most likely, that includes threats from Deep State operatives within the government itself.

Notice there’s also a “45” reference in the bills, with the $10 bearing the number “4” and the $20 bill bearing the number “5.”

To read more, see this Jim Hoft article in The Gateway Pundit:

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One thought on “Soros Son Issues Death Threat

  1. This is a warning to Alexander Soros, George Soros and all of the whores of Babylon at the World Economic Forum:

    “Touch not mine anointed, and do my prophets no harm.” (Psalm 105:15)

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