Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “black reparations”


Who needs hydroxychloroquine? Looting cures coronavirus. More from Meme The Left.

Wokeness Dooms Warren

Is it possible that presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren’s incessant dishonesty led to the collapse of her campaign? The answer is yes, to some degree.

But Fox News’ Tucker Carlson says there is a bigger reason for her political demise. “In place of an actual message that unites people around ideas and policies, she went all in on wokeness,” he says. While her fellow candidates were touting Medicare for all and free college tuition, Warren turned to race-bait reparations for the African-American community, then jumped to charging President Trump with healthcare and environmental racism.

Perhaps the most unhinged of her wokeness march was her idea to allow transgenders to help choose her cabinet should she be elected. Outrageous, to say the least. Here’s more from Carlson and Fox News.

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