Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “depravity and malfeasance”

Media Is Biggest Threat

Patrick Bet-David sits down with anarchist and controversial, bestselling-author Michael Malice, who points his finger at the media as the biggest threat to America today.

Malice says the three major TV networks had a stranglehold on public discourse before cable news came on board, followed by talk radio, social media and alternative media. He says that so many times they insist they’re telling you the truth with a straight face and then it all collapses. “When the people who are in a position of accessible authority demonstrate through their own depravity and malfeasance that not only are they mistaken, but they don’t care, they’re going to continue with these blatant lies and shutting down our conversation.” Here’s more on Valuetainment with Bet-David and Malice.

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