Tag Archives: Dorchester Mass.

JFK Jr.-Juan O. Savin Enigma

Project Camelot’s Kerry Cassidy, whose popular blog features UFOs, the paranormal and a variety of conspiracy theories, says she’s totally on the bandwagon that John F. Kennedy Jr. is still alive and currently in disguise as Juan O. Savin.

Appearing on Indie_Media_Eastcoast11, Cassidy says a series of cryptic dreams about JFK Jr., coupled with her psychic intuition, further research and personal contact with Juan O. Savin, brought her to the conclusion that the two are one in the same. “I have been relentless talking to Juan O. Savin as if he’s JFK Jr. and when he writes to me, he never ever says he’s not (JFK Jr.).” She added that JFK Jr. has long been in disguise as Juan O. Savin and other disguises as well.

One of the first things she did after her encounter with Savin was dissect his name and what she found was fascinating. The name Juan connects to John, of course, the middle initial O was surely a reference to Onassis or Jackie O, in tribute to his mother, and, most stunning of all, the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library was built in a Dorchester, Mass., neighborhood known as Savin Hill. You can’t make this stuff up.

Finally, in the latter part of the video, Cassidy drops a few more bombshells, including many more celebrities who have supposedly “died” are still alive and an unreported story that President Trump has undergone secret prostate surgery. Her most stunning revelation is that Princess Diana not only is alive, she is masquerading as Melania, is married to President Trump and Barron is their son.

Absolutely wild and shocking stuff, folks. Be warned to always judge the material on the merits of your own due diligence. Here’s more of the video, which includes prominent tarot reader known only as Janine, and Jean-Claude of Indie_Media_Eastcoast11.