Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “flex pricing”

Wendy’s $20 Million Oopsie!

On Feb. 26, Wendy’s announced a plan to introduce flex pricing, based on demand, at the time of purchase. Within 48 hours of viewing the following “Right Angle” video discussing the corporate move, they reversed their decision.

The “Right Angle” trio of Bill Whittle, Stephen Green and Scott Ott basically dissed the idea as over the top. “It’s really a bad idea, because people don’t see the discount, they see the mark-up,” Whittle said. “People are going to lose their minds over this. The human animal is a savage, especially when it comes to cheeseburgers. We’re this close to being red and tooth and claw.” Here’s more of their critique.

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