Tag Archives: Hong Kong Flu

A Salvo For Civil Liberties

Liberty is declining and the COVID-19 shutdown is a perfect example. Take the Draconian measures Gov. Gavin Newsom has imposed on the residents of the Golden State–lockdowns across the board and farcical stay-at-home measures.

Valiant Riverside, Calif., Sherriff Chad Bianca, one of a handful of California authorities who will defy the orders, put it succinctly. “The metrics used for closures are unbelievably faulty and are not representative of true numbers, and are disastrous for Riverside County.” He goes on to say Newsom’s edict is a direct attack on our civil liberties and freedom, and adds, “I believe that all jobs are essential to someone.”

Dennis Prager concurs and cites a case in point from the legendary 1969 Woodstock Festival in upstate New York. The rowdy “party” drew more than 100,000 people from across the planet right in the middle of the highly contagious Hong Kong Flu pandemic. The flu, which broke out in 1968 and lasted nearly two years, killed an estimated 1-4 million people worldwide. Yet, there was no social distancing, no masks, no shutdowns, no abuse of our civil rights. Unlike in today’s pandemic climate, why didn’t people get locked down then? “Because people believed in freedom,” Prager says. “It would have been unacceptable to Americans.” Hear more of his logic on PragerU.

Pandemics And Solar Activity

Surprisingly, the Asian Flu of 1957-58 and the Hong Kong Flu of 1968-69 each killed more than 1 million people and coincided with the solar maximum, the sunspot activity when solar activity is at its highest. With the onset of COVID-19 and Swine Flu earlier in the century, it makes you wonder if there’s some sort of a relationship between these pandemics and solar activity that we’re not seeing. In a 1990 article, Nature magazine explained that there are a lot of viruses in our upper atmosphere, which are carried closer to the surface of the planet by solar winds, thus increasing the chance of infections and pandemics. But is there solid evidence to prove the connection or is this just coincidence? Host Anton Petrov of What Da Math explains further and reaches a conclusion.