Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “hyper space”

Hyper Code Hyper Woo

Here’s a fascinating rant from Clif High that opens with a discussion of hyper space, psychedelic drugs and Aldous Huxley’s Doors of Perception. It’s not for everyone of you, but those of you who have taken mescaline or psilocybin, or explored the psychedelic arts of the 1960s, will have some understanding from which High speaks.

But this talk isn’t bound by hyper space. It crosses over to the religious and material world as well, delving into the Talmud and the purposes of CERN, with its Large Hadron Collider straddling the borders of Switzerland and France. What are the roles of magnets and magnetism in driving energy and matter?

We bring you both parts of the video below — the opening focusing on Hyper Code, the followup getting into Hyper Woo.

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