Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “John Christmas”

Business of Criminal Banking

Banking whistleblower, John Christmas, rejoins the program to discuss the vast network of criminal banks laundering money for all sorts of criminal activities. He discusses how the development banks business model is based on fraud and how they consistently pillage less developed countries under the guise of spreading democracy. The entire system needs to be exposed for what it is. More from Sarah Westall on Business Game Changers. This is a two-part series, and we present both videos here.

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Money Laundering Exposed

John Christmas, courageous bank whistleblower, exposes a big part of the worldwide corruption scheme. He explains how the banking system in Latvia, protected by the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and other institutions, laundered money for the KGB mafia and facilitated the swindle of the entire Ukraine treasury, which was stolen in 2014.

The KGB mafia and other criminal clients were known for the worst crimes perpetrated by humanity, including trafficking, drugs and state looting. We discuss the protection the EBRD doles out to criminal banking systems and how the EBRD is paid by YOU; the U.S. taxpayer.

This scheme ties back to the Bidens, the Clintons and so many more enemies of humanity. This is a two-part series. We bring you both videos below. More from Sarah Westall.


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