Tag Archives: Mike Turner

The GOP’s Waffling Leadership

Why is Republican House Majority Leader Mike Johnson fighting to protect FISA, the federal spy program flagrantly abused by the FBI to conduct surveillance upon former President Donald Trump? Why does Mike Turner, R-Ohio, the chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, spin so many lies to protect this overbroad and horribly constructed program, used repeatedly to blackball Republicans and Christians?

Here, Tucker Carlson discusses FISA and the political games these phony Republicans keep playing, as if we will never wake up nor smell their subterfuge.  Carlson should know, as he’s been spied upon by the fascists in the FBI and CIA, who act as if they are above the law.

On Friday, after intensive lobbying from the White House as well as Johnson on the Republican side of the aisle, the FISA surveillance authority, without warrants, was extended through 2026 by a vote of 273-147.

We need to target and defeat at the polls all of the blackguards who approved this measure, desecrating the American Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. We must continue to press for hearings to curb the FISA abuses by the FBI, CIA and other federal intelligence agencies. Here’s more from Carlson.