Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Nick Sylvester”

Simon Parkes: Wake The Public

Simon Parkes says that the Alliance mantra to “trust the plan” is easier said than done.

Appearing on the David Mahoney podcast, along with Nick Sylvester, Parkes says the previous plan, spanning more than a thousand years, was an evil plan from a different group of people, unlike the DOD-White Hat plan we now have.

“The concept of  trusting is interesting, because if you look at our history, we’ve had everyone from Hitler to Stalin and these individuals who act as shepherds to control the sheep,” Parkes says. “It is very hard to take a programmed human race and expect sovereignty from them without education.”

Parkes says the powers that be are efforting to get the public to a minimum level of understanding, though the eventual realization of that plateau is that we are paid slaves. Parkes and Sylvester explain further, discuss the civilizations inhabiting Inner Earth and what really happened to Nazi leadership in the aftermath of World War II.

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