Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “pelermon”

Devolution: Trump’s Return

Trump and the patriots needed the [Deep State] to commit the crime. The patriots caught them in the act. Now, the people are rallying together to show fraud. Fraud vitiates everything. Military Intelligence and No Such Agency are the key. They have captured the foreign and domestic collusion in the Presidential election. Trump caught them all. Trump and the patriots are the stone that has the strength to push the truth out to the rest of the people. Both together is the keystone. Everything we are witnessing revolves around the Presidential Election of 2020. When fraud is shown to the public, the current government will be incapacitated. Devolution. More from the X22 Report.

Here, another source gives us a look at the two rival presidencies existing side by side. One is in power through fraud and foreign subterfuge. The other can return to power via devolution. If Trump returns, it will fulfill a prophecy made by Kim Clement more than a decade ago. The Storm is upon us! More from pelermon.

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