Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “population”

A Stunning Admission

Truthstream Media offers us a stunning admission on the so-called population explosion. They report, “Kind of amazing the things that are being openly admitted now. Talking about this 10 years ago garnered a lot of tin foil hat talk… now look.”

Sunbelt to Keep Sizzling

Cities across the South and West — the Sunbelt — will continue to grow at a much faster clip over the next 30 years than the older metropolitan areas in the Northeast and Midwest. Some cities — Phoenix, Atlanta, Houston, Dallas, Miami and Orlando — are projected to expand by 50 percent or more between now and 2042. Meanwhile, growth will be sluggish in Boston and New York, and appears to be tapering off in tax-challenged California.

Here’s a video illustrating the projections, gleaned fromĀ Global Insight’s report to the United States Conference of Mayors and The Council on Metro Economies and the New American City. If the projections are correct, the top 10 US metropolitan areas in population come 2042 will be:

1. New York, 20.7 million
2. Los Angeles 14.7 million
3. Chicago, 11.1 million
4. Dallas, 11 million
5. Houston, 10.2 million
6. Atlanta, 9.1 million
7. Miami, 8.6 million
8. Phoenix, 8.2 million
9. Washington, 7.9 million
10. Philadelphia, 6.6 million

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