Tag Archives: Rosalind Peterson

Our Weather Is Being Altered

In a freaky statement, President Biden announced that extreme weather will cost the U.S. well over $100 billion this year. So is Sleepy Joe a meteorologist now? How could this sudden transition from politico to forecaster be possible, when he has trouble dealing with matters in real time?

It turns out, Biden’s Deep State buddies have been tinkering with the weather–on purpose–to give the administration an excuse to frivolously spend more money on climate change. Rosalind Peterson, California president and co-founder of the Agriculture Defense Coalition, testified at the United Nations that the public has been in the dark about geo-engineering schemes and plans to modify the weather, especially in our Western states.

Says Peterson, “A small click of geo-engineers have decided that the answer to our global-warming problem is to release particles and chemicals into the atmosphere.” She says one of the sinister things this group has done is keep the voices of opposition to their work off the record. In other words, they have all the answers and the public be damned. Riss Flex brings us more.