Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Splash Mountain”

It’s Racist To Clean Up

It’s now racist to clean up vandalism or graffiti. Here, some women are cleaning a Federal office in Washington DC that the protesting Black Lives Matter gang tagged.

Who should drop by but an obnoxious Social Justice Warrior who starts to berate the women for not leaving the graffiti alone.

You see, this dumbass thinks that cleaning up the mess means you don’t listen to the voices of black people.

Next time, someone should tag this bitch’s home. Let’s see how long before she cleans it up! Skanky Karen!

What else is racist? Disney’s Splash Mountain. Now, CNN is trying to get Splash Mountain banned or changed because it’s based on Song of the South, which the network has deemed racist. Will the Leftists ever be happy? What will they want to ban next? Time to shut these mofos down for good. More from Geeks + Gamers.



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