Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Death by a Thousand Cuts

Now that the Mueller Probe is winding down and proving to have been a big nothing-burger, don’t look for the Democrats to stop harassing President Donald Trump. They are going to go after him with a vengeance, seeking to inflict death by a thousand cuts. Many, if not all, of their investigations will be total baloney, but that won’t stop them from pounding and battering Trump because the Democrats really have nothing else to do. They no longer represent most Americans. They can only stay in power or gain power by bringing in more illegal aliens. Dick Morris explains.

Now that all of Congress is wrapped up in investigations, isn’t it time we investigated the Trump investigators? Who, exactly, are these Democratic yokels? Are they yahoos? Wingnuts? Just garden-variety sleuths? Greg Gutfeld has more on Fox News.

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