Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

China’s Tech Totalitarianism

The media is reporting that China beat the coronavirus. But it’s difficult to believe anything the China government says. If China really does have coronavirus under control, the dictators will claim their creepy “social credit score” system helped. China spies on every citizen, learning everyone’s political leanings, shopping history and social interactions. They use that to give everyone a trust score. Your score drops if you criticize the government, or do things like play lot of video games, watch pornography or have friends with low social credit scores. China punishes people who behave “badly” by doing things like slowing their internet speed, or banning them from trains. But is this just another example of China’s tech totalitarianism? Tune in to Stossel TV for more.

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One thought on “China’s Tech Totalitarianism

  1. China would gladly inform American people but then it would be too late.

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