FBI Targets Far-Left Rioters

Federal officials are finally taking action against Antifa and Black Lives Matter — arresting hundreds of Leftists believed to have taken part in toppling historic statues. Meanwhile, the National Guard was deployed to stop these protesters from pushing an announced plan to topple a Lincoln statue in Washington, DC.

While Democrats mostly ignore or endorse the destruction, Republicans have remained mostly silent. Trump, on the other hand, is taking heavy action against the far left.

The FBI has put out a list of 15 suspects who tried to tear down Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Park and Trump is pushing for maximum prison sentences, up to 10 years. He has also deployed the National Guard again in DC to protect a Lincoln statue.

The reason that Trump seems to be the only one fighting back is due to the spread of a state-backed religion called Intersectionality. Democrats have bent the knee already and actively violate the constitution to push their religion into public spaces. More from Tim Pool.

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