Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

My Little Shooter

Anyone stop to count the number of mass shootings that have occurred since the Democrats took full control of the government? This always happens when the Democrats are in charge.

You have to wonder: How many of these shootings are real tragedies and how many have been staged using MK Ultra stooges under the control of the FBI or the CIA? Neither agency has shown a particularly strong track record when it comes to actually dispensing justice as opposed to fomenting misjustice. seemingly, the Democrats are colluding with these agencies to stage events so as to push the Democrats’ draconian gun control measures.

But let’s not get sidetracked. Today, we bring you the case of a brony pervert who outsmarted the FBI. Either that or the FedEx shooter was simply allowed to attack. More from The Salty Cracker.

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