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Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “BuzzFeedVideo”

Hidden Foreign Accents

There are certain words and phrases that can trick Americans into speaking with foreign accents. BuzzFeed offers a few examples for your amusement. And be sure to keep an eye out for future episodes of LOL as we cruise through the lighter side of life.

Social Media Shockers

Social media is the undisputed king of the world, bringing together billions of users daily. But while you’re basking in the bevy of benefits offered by Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other mediums, bet you didn’t know about the following 11 shocking facts. For instance, did you know that Facebook is offering $500 to anyone who can hack its system? Hard to believe, huh? There’s 10 more amazing facts about social media in this edition of BuzzFeedVideo.

Brits Get a Taste of Americana

Cheerio, ol’ chap. Care for a Twinkie? BuzzFeedVideo sent its UK division several American snacks to gauge their reaction. Here’s what they had to say. Come and visit us here on LOL next Tuesday for another dose of the lighter side of life.

Get Your Nerdjack On

Get ready to roll in the aisles after reading the following nine Urban Dictionary definitions. Among them is nerdjack, defined as dominating conversation with obscure passion. Check out the definitions of sporking, clutch oven, Irish handcuffs and manther in this edition of BuzzFeedVideo. See you next Tuesday here on LOL for another shot of the lighter side of life. — The Wickel

Believe It or Not, It’s True

You’ve probably heard of an urban legend or two that were too weird, or just plain horrifying to believe. Well, BuzzFeedVideo took it upon itself to dig up similar terrifying legends that actually happened. Tune in and brace yourself for some double-takes!

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