Tag Archives: declining economy

Guard Against Deflating Dollars

Catherine Austin Fitts discusses the importance of gold and silver as a hedge against deflating currency. Fitts offers her own free financial and news journal — the Solari Report, available via email.

She also talks about her current efforts to help individual states establish bullion depositories, so citizens can have a safe place to store their gold and silver holdings. Texas already has such a depository and she’s working to set up a similar institute in Tennessee.

Fitts formerly served as assistant secretary for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development during the George H.W. Bush administration. Here, she’s interviewed by Greg Hunter on USAWatchdog.com. Reach The Solari Report at home.solari.com.

We Are Close To The Precipice

The pressure is on. The [Deep State] is being obliterated by the truth and they don’t know how to stop it. Every time the truth comes out against them, the [Deep State] hits Trump.

But the more they do, the worse it gets for them. We are now approaching the precipice. The swamp is trying to fight back.

Let’s finish what we started. The storm is coming. The military, the people are now behind Trump. This is the final battle and the 2024 election will decide once and for all that the people have the power. Here’s more from the X22 Report.