Tag Archives: Inspired Channel

Our Reality Is A Simulation

What is really going on in the world? Who runs the show? Is it all just a simulation? And, most importantly, how can we change it all?

Author David Icke joins the Inspired Channel’s Jean Nolan with answers to these questions. “We have a human race that has conceded its rights to control its own perception,” Icke says. “And because perception leads to behavior, giving up perception has led to allow very few people to impose their will upon billions and turn this planet, basically, into a mind prison.” He explains further.

Massive Chaos In July

The Inspired Channel’s Sean Nolan says July 4 will be an extra-explosive month, because America will finally get the release of the film, Sound of Freedom, which will expose the big picture on child-sex trafficking and sexual abuse.

Nolan says the film, starring Jim Caviezel, will unleash an avalanche of information, including high-profile players whose names were never officially released. He warns that Team Darkness will do everything in their sinister power to distract from the movie, including igniting a world war. “The big picture will soon hit the airwaves and will hit people in a way that’s never been done before.” Nolan says.  Here’s more.

U.S. Gov. Trafficking Children

Testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on “The Biden Border Crisis,” whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas revealed that the U.S. government is trafficking immigrant children through a sophisticated network.

Rodas, who says she witnessed the travesty while a border volunteer for the Biden Administration, explained that the process begins with recruiting children in their home country, smuggling them to the U.S. border and ends when the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) delivers the child to a sponsor, many of which are criminals, traffickers and members of transnational crime organizations.

Says Rodas, “The United States has become the middleman in a large scale, multibillion-dollar, child-trafficking operation by bad actors seeking to profit off of the lives of children.” Here’s more.