Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “mask fraud”

The Great American Mask Panic

There have been stabbings, shootings and totalitarian warnings from the petty tyrants grasping for the ring of power. The Great American Mask Panic has even gripped the fragile mind of Joe Biden, as he attempts to wield the power of the symbolism of the mask over the masses, though it has long been exposed as a fraud.

Now more than a year after its implementation by a confused CDC and their overlords at the World Health Organization, normalcy is slowly returning to a populous, burned-out from the tyrannical message from the COVID-19 zealots. The tyranny will only end when COVD fables are fully exposed and those in power are voted out for aiding and abetting the dangerous and treasonous United Nations deception known as the Great Reset.

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