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Archive for the tag “priest sexual abuse”

A Puppet For Pedo Network

A deep dive into credible Internet sources has shone an unsavory light on vice-presidential nominee Kamala Harris. Investigative blogger Riss Flex says that after combing through a large chunk of info, she’s convinced that Harris is essentially a puppet for the Deep State pedophilia network.

And the evidence is mounting. Through her political career, Harris is known to have taken several donations from convicted rapists and pedophiles, such as Harvey Weinstein. During his stint as San Francisco district attorney, she failed to prosecute sexual abuse crimes by priests, essentially burying the cases and preventing them from going public. She was friendly with President Bill Clinton, who boarded Jeffrey Epstein’s Lolita Express 26 times and her sister co-hosted a child-trafficking fund-raiser with James Alefantis, owner of Comet Ping Pong of Pizzagate fame.

“So as you can see, there’s a clear-cut agenda to put pedophiles into power and to protect them,” Flex says. Tune in as she digs deeper into the Kamala Harris file.

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