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Archive for the tag “Richard Clark”

The Safari Club

Whistleblower Alan Howell Parrot says that an alternate CIA known as the Safari Club was created during the 1970s and controlled by John Brennan, Richard Clark and Joe Biden. Parrot, a former CIA operative, who recently created a political firestorm after exposing Biden’s alleged role with the deaths of Seal Team 6 members, says Osama bin Laden was the figurehead manifestation of the alternate CIA, so they had to protect him in their bad judgement.

The gestation of the Safari Club, Parrot says, came during the Church Commission, a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975 that investigated abuses by the CIA, NSA, FBI an IRS. Deeper research reveals that the purpose of the Safari Club was to oppose Soviet influence by supporting anti-Communists. A noble cause, but it gets darker. The group’s long-range goal was to a create a one-world government that they would control.

It’s a global-inception concept that they’ve already created, using troops from Morocco and Egypt, and technology from France. Other assets include mining-operation interests, aka underground cities and deep underground military bases. And, shockingly, they are investing in apartheid. Says investigative YouTube blogger Riss Flex, “That’s segregation from races. Biden never changed. All those racial articles and videos of him resurfacing from his past … this explains why the Democrats are funding race riots.”

The intel allegations places Biden in a precarious situation, proving that he committed treason and possibly disqualifying him from seeking the presidency. Flex opines that the whole matter appears to be a pre-arranged concoction by the Democrats and the Safari Club to dump Biden. “Whether they do it through the 25th amendment or whether they do it by ousting him because he technically committed treason, there’s no way that Joe Biden can be President if he wins,” Flex says.

In the following video, Flex also discusses how the Safari Club was financed by a small Pakistani bank, approved by former CIA Director and later President George H.W. Bush. And, according to Parrot, the bank also bankrolled bin Laden’s terror rampage and solicited the business of every terrorist, rebel and underground organization in the world.

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