Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “self-reliance”

Prepare Or Repair?

Peter Johnson, a former federal air marshal and founder of Archway Defense, joins Dinesh D’Souza podcast guest host Kyle Seraphin to discuss the most American principle of all: self-reliance.

When it comes to safety for you and your family, you have a choice: prepare or repair? Preparing is more than buying a gun. It is a mindset and a recognition that you are ultimately responsible for your own best outcomes. Johnson and Seraphin tackle the issues, including the problems law enforcement now faces.

The Dangerous Freedom Cycle

In 1787, Scottish economist Alexander Tytler said that a democracy is always temporary in nature and cannot exist as a permanent form of government.

Tytler was referring specifically at the time to the new American Republic. He said, “A democracy can continue to exist up until the time voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”

Everything Inside Me (EIM) says Tytler had it right. He says this is the dreaded Freedom Cycle, based on human nature and something that is not easily manipulated and can never reverse itself. Says EIM, “No country can reverse the cycle. Like a plant, it must die before renewal can occur.” Here’s more.

Woke AI: Men Can Get Preggie!

Natural News’ Mike Adams tackles the woke ideology that is infiltrating artificial intelligence technology and how developers are now fretting AI’s lack of reasoning capabilities.

Adams says that in the open-source community we still do not have artificial general intelligence systems. What we do have, Adams says, is an AI community with a majority of woke developers. “One of the properties of being woke is that you can believe that men can get pregnant and men can have babies,” Adams says.

He says that while that assumption is obviously false, he believes it lends itself to an artificial construct of mass hallucination among humans and a major problem in large language-model systems, such as AI. Adams explains, plus discusses the use of AI for knowledge and self-reliance, as opposed to censorship and control, and more.

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