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Archive for the tag “Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed”

Sheikh Khalifa Death Predictable

Was the sudden death of UAE’s Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed predictable? Riss Flex reports that Sheikh Khalifa’s passing, coupled with several timely moves by the Biden Administration, appear more than suspicious.

Flex says the U.S. government administers a lot of what goes on overseas, because this is an ideal way for military contractors to cash in. “They don’t want you to know the truth,” she says. She adds there is a lot of money we launder to foreign countries as “aid” that conveniently ends up in the UAE. And guess who was the keeper of our foreign aid money and oil? Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed.

Meanwhile, back in the States, the Biden Administration has sent $3.8 billion in aid to Ukraine, with another $40 billion on its way soon. And, lo and behold, they increased our demand for foreign oil after Biden shut down production in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico. So, was the sudden death of Sheikh Khalifa just a quick way to cut out the middleman? Flex brings us more details.

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