Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “William Binney”

Taking Down The Deep State

The NSA has tracked all the illicit wealth in the world for the past 15 years and the trail circles back to Wall Street. There’s evidence beyond a shadow of a doubt that the shysters on Wall Street have stolen more than $100 trillion from Main Street with naked short-selling and have laundered another $100 trillion in dirty money from trafficking in children and women, and drugs, guns and gold.

That’s the message from Robert David Steele in a brief and impassioned speech about the nefarious state of affairs surrounding the Deep State. He adds that 90 percent of the people in government, the military and the intelligence community are good people trapped in a bad system. But sadly, the secret intelligence community serves the Deep State and not the American people. And the CIA, in particular, is out of control.

Steele’s message is clear and terse: We have it all. Once the President (Trump) gets Binney (William, former intelligence official) into NSA and processes it all, we have every single one of you by the balls. You cannot survive this. You have one out–make the deal motherfucker or you are are going to die.” Here’s more with Steele.

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