Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Apollo 20: Cover-Up Or Hoax?

Beginning in 2007, videos began appearing on YouTube, revealing a secret mission to the moon in 1976. The mission was allegedly conducted jointly by the United States and the Soviet Union to recover ancient artifacts and possible new technology. Incredibly, the previous Apollo 15 mission and subsequent Russian flybys had reported strange sightings on the moon.

The person who posted the videos was William Rutledge, a former employee of the United States Air Force, who claimed he commanded an Apollo 20 mission that landed on the moon in August 1976 to investigate the sightings. What his crew discovered will blow your mind. They came across an ancient alien base and a female humanoid, who was in suspended animation. Further exploration revealed that a huge object spotted by the Apollo 15 mission was actually an ancient spaceship, measuring 2.5 miles long. Not far from it was another small spaceship and remnants of an ancient city.

Though Rutledge stood by his claims and videos, the mission certainly seemed far-fetched and provided plenty of fodder for conspiracy theorists. Suffice it to say that NASA denied the Apollo 20 moon landing as a hoax, stating it was one of three missions cancelled because of reduced funding from Congress. There is even a Wikipedia page dedicated to it.

Thing is, history tells us many similar and zany cases often turn out to be true. As always, you be the judge. Here’s more from BuzWeaver on The Lost History Channel TKTC.

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