Call Me Stormy

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Archive for the tag “African American vote”

Michelle Still Playing Race Card

Former First Lady Michelle Obama, arguably one of the most admired women on the planet, has returned to her Old Faithful–the race card. It’s a likely fixture for the First Lady and her husband, President Barack Obama, through the years, despite their fairytale lives.

Both oppose school choice, but attended schools outside the neighborhoods they grew up in. And both their daughters attended private schools. The Obamas went on to attend elite schools of higher learning, Michelle to Princeton and Harvard Law School, and President Obama to Occidental College in LA, and onto the Ivy League’s Columbia and Harvard Law School. They later landed cushy jobs at at Sidley Austin LLP, a prestigious law firm in Chicago, served the country in the White House for eight years and, most recently, purchased a $12.7 million dollar house in Martha’s Vineyard, within walking distance to the ocean.

Yet to this day, Michelle is still stoking fears about climate change eroding the coast, the dangers of school choice and racial inequality. Similar paths on the Left has steered 95 percent of the African American vote to the Democrat Party in recent elections. But that may be short-lived, says political commentator and talk show host Larry Elder. The Black community is waking up to the disoriented rhetoric and empty promises of the party. Here’s more with Elder, presented by Epoch Times.

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