Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Anton Chaitkin”

China Inside’Ah

We’ve already been banging the drum on Christine Fang and Eric Swalwell for a couple of days now. So, here, let’s broaden the scope of our investigation. Take Dianne Feinstein, Ms. Cognitive Decline Stein, one of the two U.S. senators from the supposed state of California. How has she also been involved with the ring of Chinese spies circling the drain in America?

How about all the scum in our judiciary or even worse, the FBI, an agency that engages in bureaucratic subterfuge as opposed to truth-telling. For the longest time, the FBI did nothing to probe the murder of Seth Rich. Now, we learn they have his laptop and some 20,000 pages of documents pertaining to him, presumably drawn from the laptop. They aren’t going to summarize all of what they’ve got. Too time consuming, they say. Looks like they have been sitting on their ‘ronas, not just for 2020, but at least 3 or 4 years.

Will it ever get better? Not if we have Joe Biden taking office. Already, it’s being announced his son Hunter is under investigation for tax fraud. Oh, yeah, his brother James apparently as well. Making sense of the nonsense is Sir Patrick Mack from In Pursuit of Truth, now at home on Gab, as well as Bitchute. Let’s get pursuity, folks!

The [Deep State]/Mainstream Media have played their hand. They cheated and manipulated the election to get [Joe Biden] into office. Now we see stories about China, [Eric Swalwell][Nancy Pelosi][Hunter Biden] and [James Biden] leaked out. We see Gov and mayors with the Chinese, it is all being exposed to the American people. Time has just placed [Joe Biden] & [Kamala Harris] on the cover. Marker revealed. Trump just signed an Executive Order for Dec 24. It has begun. More from the X22 Report.


China’s unrestricted warfare against the United States exposes the fake news and Biden blackmail coverup. More from JustInformed Talk.

As we fight for our Republic as it is surrounded by globalists and traitors in our midst, never forget who we are and what made us great in the first place. Anton Chaitkin, author of WHO WE ARE and TRAITORS IN AMERICA, joins SGTReport to discuss.

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