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Archive for the tag “archaeoastronomy”

Occult Secrets of Ancient Persia

The term astro-theology explores the role that the stars, sun, moon, and other “heavenly bodies” have played in the formation of various religions and mythological systems. In these systems, the moon was often described as a feminine figure and the sun was frequently given masculine traits, which symbolically represented alchemical concepts utilized in mystery schools and various secret societies. More from Robert Sepehr, anthropologist and author.


America’s Stonehenge

Geologist Scott Wolter has reason to believe America has its own Stonehenge. With the help of a young man, Wolter explores the possibility that the Phoenicians are connected to this megalithic site, in Season 1, Episode 6, “Stonehenge in America.” The site is located on private land in Salem, New Hampshire. It is estimated to be close to 4000 years old. More from America Unearthed.

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