Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Behizy Hub”

They’re Rigging The Primaries

More shenanigans in this election cycle’s primaries has sent “The George Show’s” Behizy into a tizzy. He says the bad guys are at it again, playing games with voting machines across the country, possibly dampening what many pundits predict will be a massive red wave in the midterm elections.

“How can we believe in the power of the red, when the power of the blue is overcoming us in the primaries,” Behizy says. He says the dark side is again messing with algorithms to manipulate the vote and cites his home state of Colorado as one of the most corrupt violators. Here’s his report.

Texas GOP Talks Secession

“The George Show,” on Behizy Hub, reports that the Texas GOP has adopted a resolution at its state convention, rejecting the 2020 election. Furthermore, the resolution spells out that if the election is not decertified, Texas will secede from the Union. Behizy explains and brings us more of his analysis.

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