Call Me Stormy

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Archive for the tag “Berlin Stadtschloss”

Is Tom Hanks Alive Or Not?

Gene Decode says evidence is mounting to suggest Tom Hanks, and quite possibly his wife Rita Wilson, are both dead. Gene Decode cites a Tweet sent by Kirsten Dunst, the Hollywood actress now in New Zealand, that shows a doll of Woody, who was voiced by Tom Hanks in the 1995 movie Toy Story, lying on a carpet, seemingly inert. Dunst played a daughter of Hanks in the 1990 movie Bonfire of the Vanities.

Hanks had supposedly served as an “at home” host for the April 11th episode of Saturday Night Live, but some notable skeptics, including Tommy G, argued that that appearance was a sham. They cited irregularities in Hanks’ ear lobe and neck, as well as signs that someone else, most likely his brother Jim, might have supplied his vocals.

Besides the news about Hanks, Gene Decode says Pope Francis and German chancellor Angela Merkel have both been arrested, and hundreds of trillions of dollars in gold confiscated from vaults underneath the Vatican. Also, the family of Somerset Belenoff, one of the leaders of the Illuminati, has been obliterated in a nuclear blast over Antarctica.

Here in the United States, two more major hubs of the DUMBs (Deep Underground Military Bases) network have been cleared — one in Missouri and a second one in Los Alamos, NM. At the Missouri DUMB, more than 3,000 children were rescued, although a large number, around 1,500, were found dead. The Los Alamos DUMB served as a major linkage connecting the Rocky Mountain states with the DUMBs network further west in California and Nevada, including Area 51. The West Coast DUMBs follow a network shaped like the constellation Gemini while the Rocky Mountain DUMBs in New Mexico and Colorado are configured like the constellation Orion.

Where are the children from these DUMBs? At this point, they are being cared for at other DUMBs sites that have been cleared. Some 70 to 80 percent of those in existence have been seized by the US military. The balance remains to be done.

There were some children rescued beneath New York City who had been cross-bred with pigs. Some of those children asked to be put to death, rather than live any longer. The mass grave site on Hart Island was not laying to rest COVID-19 victims, but these pig/children crossbeeds.

Some DUMBs are now being cleared out internationally. These include many in Italy and Eastern Europe, a number in New Zealand and some in Argentina. There have not been any taken out yet in Canada, and only one small site in Australia. More from cirstenw.

cirstenw returned later Wednesday evening with the first video, set to the music of Lauren Daigle’s song Rescue, showing child victims who have been freed during this past month’s raids through the underground tunnels of the United States and elsewhere. The footage showing the children starts around the 12:45 minute-mark. It is disturbing — these children have been brutalized and their eyes are blackened, their faces swollen. While it is difficult to see, it’s time the American people understood the evils that have existed right beneath our homes and our schools, businesses and towns.

The opening 12 minutes+ delves into the many shenanigans surrounding the use of hydroxychloroquine as a coronavirus cure. Needless to say, the Democrats are eager to drag out this mess. They’ve got nothing else that will save them after people begin to realize the horror show that’s been happening for decades in these DUMBs.

Here is a German report from April 8, 2020 that covers the fire in Berlin in the underground tunnels or vaults below the Berlin Stadtschloss. This is the Berlin Palace, also known as the Berlin City Palace, a building in the center of Berlin, located on the Museum Island at Schlossplatz, opposite the Lustgarten park. From the 15th century to the early 20th century, the Berliner Schloss was a royal and imperial palace and served mostly as the main residence of the Electors of Brandenburg, the Kings of Prussia, and the German Emperors. Nowadays, it is being retrofitted to serve as the Humboldt Forum, a museum that will serve as German’s equivalent to the British Museum in London. More from Bild.

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