Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Claudia Salinas”

Juan O. Savin: DeSantis Snag

Juan O. Savin says Ron DeSantis may be playing both sides of the GOP aisle, wooing the conservative crowd, while kowtowing to Rinos. His goal: the 2024 Republican presidential nomination.

Will he survive? A resounding “no,” Savin says. “DeSantis is happily in bed with the crowd he’s in bed with and they’re tied to a globalist crowd that wants to run American politics.” He explains further, plus emphasizes that all the Deep State players that thought they skated free after the midterms are in for a big surprise.

Riss Flex also gives her take on DeSantis, saying, “There something that doesn’t smell right.” She takes aim at the mainstream media and Rino mantra that DeSantis is the new leader of the Republican Party, and also reports on child labor camps in the U.S., Harvey Weinstein’s “pimp” and more.

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