Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “David Laufman”

Something Big About to Happen

North Korea takes a shot at Biden. The [Deep State] is redoing the Mueller investigation because they didn’t get the obstruction charge they needed. Pelosi mentions that Trump is covering up something. Think mirror. [Deep State] creates an IRS memo which says Trump needs to turn over his tax returns. Tillerson sneaks into the House to testify about Russia. The Declass is coming, Something big is about to happen and the [DS] is panicking. The timeline is now set. Barr puts the Intel agencies on notice. More from the X22 Report.

John Solomon give DECLAS timeline 7 DAYS, George Papadopoulos discusses exculpatory evidence the FBI hid from him, Brennan nervous midnight tweets, Trump Walks out on Pelosi Schumer meeting, Spygate info, Nevada votes out the Electoral college GVCS Proof and Jim Jordan talks Dem impeachment. More from RedPill78.

SerialBrain 2 presents a new video entitled “Trump, The Hammer, The Beast and Sally Yates.” Actually, Sally Yates doesn’t appear here, she will be covered in a forthcoming second part to the video. Here, we learn of Hillary Clinton’s private email server. It was never hacked, contrary to some accounts. Instead, Clinton sold access to the highest bidders, including the Chinese. The buyers were America’s enemies as well as rivals. President Obama knew of the server, as he contacted Hillary via it. But he did nothing to stop her treasonous activity. Also delinquent: David Laufman, the chief of counterintelligence and export controls, who looked the other way, not only as Hillary Clinton sold our trade secrets but also our national uranium supply to the Russians. She and Obama had expert IT assistance from Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google itself!

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