Tag Archives: Golden State

Make America California Again?

Residents are leaving California in droves because of exorbitant tax rates, high crime and failing public schools, yet the Golden State is the Biden Administration’s model for America. What can they possibly be thinking? Or are they thinking?

Despite the dismal failures in sunny Cal, the Los Angeles Times writes, “Make America California Again? That’s Biden’s plan.” Why would the rest of us want California’s problems? In the following episode, John Stossel highlights California laws and regulations that President Biden is pushing for the country and discusses the state’s politicians who failed their way into his administration.
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Biden Enraged With Newsom

President Biden is mad as hell at California Gov. Gavin Newsom for easing COVID-19 restrictions in California at the peak of the pandemic. Trending on Twitter was a tweet from a reliable source that says there’s “steam coming out” of Biden’s ears in rage because of Newsom lifting stay-at-home orders in California, adding he only did it out of re-election fears. Newsom also is in the eye of a Golden State storm, as voters have mounted a serious challenge to recall the governor.

Could the Democrats already be turning on each other? The “Right Angle” trio of Bill Whittle, Scott Ott and Stephen Green discuss the breaking news.