Tag Archives: hostile takeover

Will It Actually Happen?

Here’s the problem…Mark Dice explores the bid by Elon Musk to buy Twitter.

On Friday, Twitter appeared to sabotage Elon Musk’s offer using a poison pill as a tool to block him. Here, The Quartering explains what that is. The battle is just warming up.

Why are the Twitter employees so up in arms over Elon Musk? Are they mad because they are leftists or leftists because they are mad? Do they speak for themselves or speak for the Deep State? We might never know the truth, but here’s one stab at it, presented by Danny Polishchuk, masquerading as Twitter employee Tony Fernandez.

Pirate Of Silicon Valley

Elon Musk is raising the stakes, launching a hostile takeover of Twitter. He’s putting the Deep State between a rock and a hard place.

No doubt, the censor-pushing goons who run Twitter will resist his offer. But how will they defend their actions with Twitter shareholders? More from The Salty Cracker.

Whatever happens with the Musk offer, it’s hilarious to see all of the Leftist meltdowns. These are people who can’t win debates. They can only stack the decks and push their rabid censorship.

Hopefully, they’ll be left decimated at Twitter, so much so that their Leftist counterparts at Facebook and Google/YouTube will read the handwriting on the wall and stop acting like such fascist pricks.  Here, Paul Joseph Watson reviews the leftist meltdowns over Musk.

New Agers Sabotage Our Food

https://www.bitchute.com/video/2007EAlWRbkT/In this special Ice Age Farmer broadcast, Christian Westbrook is joined by Dr. Frédéric Leroy, a professor in the field of food science & biotechnology at Vrije Universiteit in the Netherlands. The professor details what can only be described as an attempted hostile takeover of all human food production.

Dr. Leroy outlines with studied precision the UN Food Systems Summit: the agenda to end traditional farming and ranching, the players involved (and the revolving door between big multinational food companies, think tanks/foundations, and policymakers). The movement’s genesis is in New Age “Gaia” worship.

After another week of research, articles and more, I am sharing my research and analysis. I discuss food shortages as a weapon of war, Chinese bioweapon labs, Google Lawsuit, and the shameful reversal by OSHA as well as many other topics. More from Sarah Westall.