Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “IDs”

Juan O. Savin: Border Chaos

Juan O. Savin says that the despite data and overwhelming evidence of graft, payoffs and quid pro quo tainting the Biden Administration, there’s a more dangerous problem facing America today–the massive migrant invasion.

Savin says that not only is the federal government complicit in the flood of illegals across the southern border, it also is moving the immigrants all across the country, providing them with IDs that allows them to become citizens and voters once they hit U.S. soil. “The problem is, if you allow the election to happen (in 2024) with these people voting and you don’t reverse what happened in 2020 and 2022, then you’ve lost your country.”

Savin and David “Nino” Rodriguez debate the issue further, plus more.


IDs Are Racist!?!

Asking for ID to buy alcohol??? This makes Jim Crow look like JIM EAGLE!! More from FreedomToons.

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