Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Maimouna Doucoure”

Neflix Pushes Pedophilia

Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself. Looks like he might have been removed from jail and placed in charge of film programming at Netflix.

Their latest imported offering, Cuties, tells the story of 11-year-old girls who form a twerking club at school, pissing off their conservative and religious families. The Senegalese director of the picture, Maimouna Doucoure, won a World Cinema directing award at the Sundance Film Festival, but not all critics are so accepting of this kind of trash.

Geeks + Gamers calls Cuties “sick, disgusting and completely unacceptable.” We have to concur. Just because Leftist Hollywood douchebags want to push pedophilia, doesn’t make it acceptable to the vast majority of the population.

If you’ve got a Netflix subscription, cancel it. If you’re thinking of joining, look for another outlet that isn’t run by degenerates and morons.

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