Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “mask hoax”

No-Mask Rebellion Has Begun

If it were up to Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab, who run the Davos Group for the United Nations, the masks would never come off. And violators would be severely punished. Says Alex Jones of InfoWars, “This is a United Nations, world government power grab, a Leftist sacrament, their new religion. We have to be monitored constantly, we hurt the environment, we have to be depopulated, it’s the post-human future, a symbol of surrender and slavery.”

Fortunately, Americans are waking up to this nightmare scenario and seeing right through the COVID gaslighting mask hoax. Case in point is the Oakes Farms Seeds to Table Supermarket in Naples, Fla., where owner Alfie Oakes employs mask-exemption guidelines that have pushed the mainstream media into a collective frenzy. Recent media coverage showed lines of shoppers and employees without masks, which Oakes believes is their God-given right. “I know that the masks don’t work and I know that the virus has not killed 400,000 people in this country,” he told an NBC reporter. His advice: Please do you critical thinking and research.” Here’s more with Alex Jones.

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