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Archive for the tag “Matt Baker”

How Viruses Are Classified

Everything from single-cell bacteria to human beings are part of the evolutionary tree of life. Viruses, however, get their own tree because they are generally considered to be non-living. Unlike bacteria, viruses cannot replicate themselves, unless they attach themselves to a living thing. Then it’s a whole different story. Viruses are divided into seven categories, using Roman numerals with extended orders, families, genera and species. The coronavirus, or more specifically COVID-19, belongs to the nido-virales order in category IV and is closely related to the viruses that caused the SARS and MERS outbreaks. It is far more serious than the influenza virus, spreading more easily with a death rate 10 times that of the seasonal flu. Learn more from Matt Baker of Useful Charts.

From Single Cells to Humans

The emergence of life began 4 billion years ago in the form of single-cell organisms. It proceeded in three different directions called domains, which are the top classification levels. They included different types of algae that became the plant kingdom; various molds or the fungus kingdom; and amoeba-like organisms that evolved into the animal kingdom. Because the mechanisms involved, such as mutation and natural selection, had long periods to work with, each new development along the evolutionary cycle took tens of millions of years. Matt Baker of Useful Charts explains the process.


Who Would Be King Today?

In 1782, a U.S. Naval officer wrote George Washington a letter, suggesting that he accept the title of king, but Washington strongly rejected the proposition and since then the idea of an American monarchy has not been seriously suggested. But what if Washington had accepted the proposal and there had been a King George I? Who would be king in America today? Canadian chart enthusiast Matt Baker takes a fun and educational look at this fictional scenario, based on three family lines, since Washington had no children and therefore no direct descendants. In the following video, Baker narrows the possibilities down to three lineages: the Senior Line, the Custis-Lee Line and the Mount Vernon Line.

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