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Archive for the tag “Mr. Lude”

China Whistleblower Tells All

A China Communist Party (CCP) whistleblower says that the recent allegations against the Biden Crime Family are absolutely true. Known simply as Mr. Lude of Lude Media and a YouTube blogger from Mainland China, he has worked tirelessly to expose the corruption in the CCP, delivering the information to American news outlets and directly to President Trump.

Mr. Lude steadfastly confirms that the information on the Hunter Biden laptop is factual and this revelation is just scratching the surface of the family’s corruption. Shockingly, Ukraine has confiscated a second Hunter Biden laptop and it doesn’t end there. Says investigative journalist Riss Flex, “Mr. Lude explains everything. There’s not just one hard drive by Hunter Biden, there are many. And as the Biden family continues to backstab their people–the people that they signed dirty deals with internationally–we will start to see these hard drives pop up. There’s literally a hard drive for every country and they have some terrible, gruesome abuse on them.”

But the plot begins with Ukraine, considered the technical, intelligence and military hub in Eastern Europe and it is squarely under the CCP’s thumb. Not only does China pull the strings of the Biden family, but through heavy investment in corporate America, it also controls the American media. Says Mr. Lude, Why do you think you don’t read anything about the Biden allegations in the Wall Street Journal  or New York Times?”

When you pull the proverbial cover back on this sordid tale, it’s a story of collusion, espionage and outright murder, all part of a China Communist Party plot to impose globalization and enslave the world. Here’s more from a Lude Media video obtained by Flex.

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