Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Murray Gell-Mann”

Look For Mass Arrests Soon

Liz Crokin says to expect mass arrests soon.  She says she cannot get any confirmation, yeah or nay, of whether the arrests will involve human trafficking and the abuse of children. But she does believe mass arrests will be seen. Here, she discusses more specifics.

Relentless Pursuit, a new biographical work on Jeffrey Epstein, has been published. Here we get details on Epstein’s relations with celebrities including Michael Jackson and David Copperfield. There is a look at Epstein associate Alan Dershowitz as well as Murray Gell-Mann, the founder of the Santa Fe Institute and winner of the 1969 Nobel Prize for his research on elementary particles. While the federal government knew that Epstein had allegedly violated some 34 confirmed minors, the charges against him avoided mentioning these crimes. It’s hinted that this was an outgrowth of his relationship with the CIA. The book is by Bradley J. Edwards, a civil trial lawyer in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., who represented some of Epstein’s victims. More from Jamie Dlux.

Satanism is rife within Hollywood, and it is hidden in plain sight in movies and TV shows, mocking the audience. Want examples? Here are some from the movies Home Alone, Dragnet and Bruce Almighty. More from Follow the White Rabbit.

Is Disney really just Pedophile Inc.? Dustin Nemos offers yet another example of in-your-face pedophilia hidden in a Disney film. This is becoming so commonplace now, you have to wonder: Who was minding the store at Disney? Why did they have so many creeps working under their banner?

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