Tag Archives: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Poland’s Latest Nuclear Flank

This weekend, Poland took the unbelievable next step in bringing long-range tactical nuclear weapons to Russia’s doorstep. Putin says these nukes would be ‘priority targets.’

The West is agitating for nuclear war. In today’s video, we’re going over the latest weekend developments between NATO and Russia. Here’s more from Redacted with Clayton Morris.

Every Trick In The Book

The German people are beginning to wake up and push back, as they see their economy breaking down and the policies of the climate scam failing. It started with the farmers pushing back and now the revolt is spreading to all.

That’s the assessment of Harley Schlanger, a historian with the LaRouche Organization, who as been covering the financial industry since the 80s.

Schlanger says the [Deep State] is now trying desperately to push the world into war. He cites U.S. Secretary of State Anton Blinken’s combative assertions about having the Ukraine join NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

Schlanger believes this plan – to spark World War III — will fail in the end. The people will be pushed to the precipice and will find the will to change. Here’s more from the X22 Report Spotlight.

NATO Preps Cold War Drill

This week on the New World Next Week: Canadian judge rules Justin Trudeau Trudeau violated the law by invoking the Emergencies Act to thwart the Freedom Convoy; NATO preps its largest exercise since the Cold War; and Ubisoft executives tell customers to get used to never owning games. Here’s more from Media Monarchy and The Corbett Report.

NATO Supersedes Constitution

What is the most important document in the United States of America? If you said the U.S. Constitution, unfortunately, that’s no longer correct. The United States Senate just voted to give NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, supreme power over the United States in war, making decisions. Here’s more from Clayton Morris on Redacted.