Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Operation Gaslight”

Late-Night Cry Fest Continues

Last week, we reported on Jimmy Kimmel from ABC breaking down in tears over so many Americans supporting President Donald Trump. Now, another one of television’s late-night goons, Stephen Colbert from CBS, has followed suit.  Colbert is upset Trump is challenging election results.

Guess what Stephen? Trump has every right in America to mount such a challenge. And the voters have every right to vote for whomever they chose. They do not have to abide by your twisted wishes, you phony Leftist freak! More from The Salty Cracker.

Meanwhile, Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is pushing Leftists to make up lists of Trump supporters and subject them to reprisals. Talk about reducing the United States to becoming another failed backwater bastion like Venezuela! The Salty Cracker gives us more insight behind Operation Gaslight.

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