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Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Paul Wallis”

Angels: Deception Exposed

Australian Paul Wallis is a former Archdeacon in the Anglican church. In his book The Eden Conspiracy, analyzing Biblical and ancient texts, he uncovers stories of extraterrestrial contact on Earth 1000s of years ago. If you want to hear more non-hysterical information about the Elohim, ‘ the powerful ones ‘ and Earth ‘s real history of paleocontact, you won’t want to miss this interview.

Not all Elohim were bad. Wallis explains how the benevolent Elohim helped humanity develop agriculture and how they protected us. The full title of his book is The Eden Conspiracy: Ancient Memories of E.T. Contact and The Bible Before God. He is interviewed by Jean-Claude in a special report on Beyond Mystic.

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