Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Peter King”

Glenn Beck Defends Redskins

The controversy surrounding the nickname of the Washington Redskins has drawn the ire of conservative commentator Glenn Beck. Most of the fuss, says Beck, is coming from non-Native Americans, such as President Obama, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell and reporter Peter King, who believe they know more than the Native people themselves.

“Ninety percent of Native Americans feel that the name isn’t offensive and shouldn’t be changed,” Beck says, citing a poll taken by the Annenberg Public Policy Center. “Students primarily at Native American schools all across America wear the name with pride and now say, they might lose the name.” In this edition of “The Blaze,” Beck explains the history of the nickname “Redskins” and how it relates to today.

Questions Linger Over Attack

New York Congressman Peter King says it’s premature to rule out possible Al-Qaeda involvement in the Boston Marathon bombings. In an interview on The Steve Malberg Show, King also says that despite contradictory reports, he still harbors suspicions about the Saudi national observed running from the scene of the bombings. King is a member of the House Homeland Security Committee.

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