Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “Swiss Embassy”

Biden Behind Mideast Turmoil

The world watches in horror as Tel Aviv and the Gaza Strip are enveloped in flames and Israel and Hamas are at each other’s throats again. This after the Middle East was seemingly headed for peace only eight short months ago during the Trump Administration. While the outburst was sudden, Riss Flex says it was predictable. “Joey B. is being a lip-twiddler, allowing Iran to call all the shots,” she says, adding that President Biden has too much blackmail on him to take any authoritative stance against Iran.

The web of corruption traces directly to Iran and the CIA, who secretly fund terrorists, including the the Islamic militant Hamas organization, to carry out these attacks through clandestine funds in Swiss banks. Ironically, a senior diplomat in the Swiss Embassy in Tehran who was scheduled to testify against Biden’s interests in Iran, allegedly fell to her death from an 18th-floor high rise in Tehran. Iran media was quick to call it an accident.

Flex digs deeper into the money trail trickling from the Biden Administration into Tehran’s coffers and the CIA’s sinister role in the black operations in this captivating video.

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