Call Me Stormy

Finding righteous currents in turbulent times

Archive for the tag “wind power”

Truth About Weather Warfare

The scientists and politicians pushing the Green New Deal are simply trying to force you to transfer your wealth to them. They are not honestly attempting to improve the weather. The fact is, the chemicals they unleash in the atmosphere are ruining green energy options, including solar, wind and hydro power.

So what we are seeing is a climate scam more than an honest set of energy policies.  Here to explain what’s afoot in clear, layman’s terms is Dane Wiginton from Geoengineering Watch. He delves into the truth about weather warfare with Mel K.

Agents Of Universe!

Energy! It’s all there is.

Green energy sources — solar, wind energy and electrical vehicles — are mostly polluting options pushed by the World Economic Forum. Here, in episode one of a new series, Clif High delves into the plethora of less wasteful options available to us.

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